Having discovered Peter’s horrible secret, a former fellow juror blackmails him to kill again!

Available now in paperback, hardcover, and all eBook formats
Coming soon: Audio!
Genre: Thriller, 303 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9974967-5-8
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In this sequel to award-winning courtroom thriller Lying in Judgment, Peter Robertson must choose between two horrible options. Both involve death and revenge.
Peter Robertson, 33, once fought a man on a remote forested road and left him to die. Six months later, he served on the jury that freed a wrongfully accused man—and let his own secret slip to a beautiful but manipulative fellow juror, Christine Nielsen.
Two months later, Christine wakes him in the middle of the night with a threat: kill Kyle, the man who stalks and abuses her, or have his own murderous past exposed.
Peter pretends to go along as he seeks another, less violent solution, and his best friend Frankie threatens to expose the conspiracy to the police. But Kyle makes his move, breaking into her house in the middle of the night and then later kidnapping her at gunpoint. Peter’s daring rescue gives him the opportunity to fulfill her request—and he walks away, consequences be damned.
The next morning, Kyle turns up dead, and the police arrest Frankie, of all people. Peter knows he’s innocent, but can he prove it without directing the finger of blame at himself—for both murders?
Order paperback, hardcover, Kindle, or iTunes/Nook/Kobo/Sony copies today!
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Now available: Lying in Vengeance Audiobook, narrated by mystery author Gary Corbin!
Lying in Vengeance, the sequel to author Gary Corbin’s best-selling debut novel Lying in Judgment, is now available in audiobook format!
Narrated by the author in order to capture the original intent and to showcase the author’s unique and compelling narrative style, the audio version is available in through Audible, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Kobo, Nook Audio, and over 20 other channels and formats.
Want a sample? Check out this sample chapter here!
Lying in Vengeance, the second book in the Lying Injustice Thrillers, is available in paperback, hardcover, and various eBook formats including Kindle, Nook, Apple and Kobo. Order your copy today! |
Order a signed copy of Lying in Vengeance today!
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Have you read the prequel, Lying in Judgment?
In Lying in Judgment, Gary Corbin’s award-winning courtroom thriller debut that started the Lying Injustice Thrillers series, Peter Robertson serves on the jury of a murder trial — for the crime that he committed.
Available in paperback, hardcover, and all ebook formats – and now, Audio!
Praise for Lying in Vengeance
“A very intricate plot with so many twists in direction, it will have you doing double takes. By the end you will be questioning everyone’s motives…Hopefully we won’t have to wait long for the next book.”
Merry Citarella, Mystery Suspense Reviews
“A very well written thriller…Never a dull moment. Several twists/turns & a great set of unique characters to keep track of. This could also make another great thriller movie, or better yet a mini TV series. A very easy rating of 5 stars.”
Tony Parsons, Goodreads
“Lying in Vengeance is a complex, entertaining read. It explores its main characters honestly, making it hard to definitively label them “hero”, “villain”, etc. Shifting viewpoints provide a great window into each character’s motivations, and the plot twists truly keep you guessing. Corbin skillfully weaves a humorous yet dark and thoughtful story. Even better than its predecessor!”
Kate Kort, Author of Glass and Laika
“Really enjoyable addition to the series…what a cliffhanger!”
Andrea Adams, Amazon.com
“Homicide and a gripping tale of treachery unfolds in the story of Lying In Vengeance. This is a great story for those who love a complex crime thriller. A must read.”
Bruno Bernard, Goodreads
“There are twists and turns to keep you guessing…”
Becky MacCarthy, Goodreads
“Gary Corbin is an author of many books and readers need to take a look, because they are all great reads…Gary Corbin knows how to tell an intriguing tale.”
P.S. Winn, Author, Parallel Adventures and At Hidden Lake
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