In the summer of 1942, two young boys are sent to stay with their stern grandmother Kurnitz and their childlike aunt Bella in Yonkers, New York when their father, Eddie, needs to take a job as a traveling salesman to pay off the medical bills incurred by his late wife’s illness. As Eddie tries to keep in touch from afar, Grandma makes the boys’ and Bella’s life miserable. Into their collective lives returns one of Eddie and Bella’s other siblings, Louie Kurnitz, a henchman for some gangsters. When Bella reveals her plans to marry her slow-witted (unseen) boyfriend Johnny, Grandma erupts, and the boys desperately turn to Louie for help.
Role: Eddie Kurnitz
Author: Neil Simon
Director: Tim Luke
Production Company: North End Players
Venue: North End Players Bert Mann Theater
Performance Dates: February 21 – March 3, 2013