It’s coming.
After ten years of outlining, writing, critiquing, rewriting (even, once, as a play), workshopping, pitching, revising, editing, querying, and waiting for a dying industry (traditional publishing) to embrace my creation, it is coming to life.
Lying in Judgment, my legal thriller about a man serving on the jury of a murder trial for the murder he (the juror) committed, will be released into the hands of readers in 2016 – probably within the next few months. Maybe sooner.
It is written. Edited. Formatted. Cover design is underway. Distribution channels selected and necessary online accounts created. It’s happening!
Interestingly, it’s not happening the way I envisioned. It’s much, much better.
Publishing Novels After the Revolution
The world of publishing has changed dramatically since I first put pen to paper on this story. In those days, agents acted as gatekeepers to a shrinking cadre of publishing companies (which masquerade to this day as many different publishers through the charade of brands and “imprints”). The gatekeepers decided who got published – or, rather, who even got considered for publication – while the oligopoly decided how much the writer earned – if anything. They dictated all of the terms. Writers, particularly new writers, had no leverage.
To add insult to injury, the gatekeepers skimmed 15% (or more) off the top. The writer didn’t get paid – didn’t even see the money – until it filtered through the gatekeepers’ hands.
No more. Independent publishing (“indie pubs”) rules the day now. Writers decide what, and when, and how, and how much they’ll charge. Readers decide what will sell, not publishers. The gatekeepers and the oligarchs have gobsmacked themselves largely out of business. Writers and readers have completed the end run around the bottleneckers and connected directly, to the benefit of both. Prices are lower, writers make more, selection is greater, and contrary to what the oligarchy wants you to believe, quality is high.
Where to find my novel, and when
In this context, Lying in Judgment will emerge first as an ebook (available on Amazon, Kobo, Apple, Nook, and others), then in print form (that takes longer) on Amazon and other channels.
The dream is alive.
Lying in Judgment, as a published novel, will soon be a reality.