Tag writing

Lying in Judgment (novel) coming to life!

Lying in Judgment - a novel by Gary Corbin. Photo by Gary Corbin.

It’s coming. The Novel. After ten years of outlining, writing, critiquing, rewriting (even, once, as a play), workshopping, pitching, revising, editing, querying, and waiting for a dying industry (traditional publishing) to embrace my creation, it is coming to life. Lying…

Play write vs. Playwright

Playwright, or play writer? That is the question. For most of us who are engaged in this fascinating, collaborative creative exercise, the answer is the latter. Certainly this is true for me. I write plays. I do not wright plays.…

Pride goeth before the curtain

Tonight I’m attending a read-thru of my new (draft) play for Fertile Ground. It’s the second time in less than a week, and if this one goes like the first, a talented, experienced group of actors will ready my unfinished…