A hypochondriac woman’s search for community gets stymied by her fear of interpersonal contact. Even when seeking a connection with those who share her religious faith, she eschews the traditional avenue of local church worship in favor of streaming the sermons of an online preacher who is an obvious con man.
Length: 10 pages
Cast size: 2M, 1-Any
Production History:
“Streaming Jesus” was selected by a blind jury and was workshopped as part of the PDX Playwrights “Daisy Dukes Shorts Nights” during the 2019 Fertile Ground Festival of New Works, with two performances, all at Hipbone Studio (1847 E. Burnside, Portland).
- Friday, January 25, 2019, 7 PM.
- Saturday, Feb 2, 2019, 9 PM.
Directed by Bill Barry.