Thanks to readers (and voters) like you, Lying in Vengeance has made it to the fourth and final round of the September “Cover of the Month” competition.
Only the top 50 graduated to the third stage of the competition, which ran thru Friday, Sept. 21. In the final round, only 24 covers remain.
We’ve topped the 200 mark in voting and, as of this writing, Lying in Vengeance is in 11th place overall – about 200 votes from finishing first.
But I believe we can do it, with your help. All you have to do is vote for my cover in round 4!
Please vote by September 30, and tell all of your friends to help. Here’s an easy way: post this link ( on Twitter or Facebook. If each person reading this post asked 2-3 friends to vote, my cover would be right there with the leaders.
If you’re wondering what sort of competition I’m up against, I’ve included screen shots of the other covers below. If that doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what will! 😉
So please, vote for Lying in Vengeance as one of your favorite covers – and tell all of your friends!
PS: Coming soon: exciting news about Lying in Judgment! You won’t want to miss it!